Ojos de Brujo, live in Thessaloniki
photos: Stelios Kyrizakis- StilkiR
Ojos de Brujo, live review in Thessaloniki
Ojos de Brujo, for first time in Greece. And what a first time!!! Believe me, the concert was a perfect radiography of what Ojos de Brujo is in reality. They were playing live music continuously for over 2 hours (something that is becoming more difficult to find out in the music world…)
The concert was in a small place that gives a more “familiar ambient” as they like, a place where the group is just one meter away from the people, an important ingredient for this rhythmic explosion that are Ojos de Brujo.
With new live versions of their songs, with new chorus, with the flamenco dance of Susi, with things that shows their constant evolution and their steps forward looking for new sounds.

There are not limits or borders for them, especially because above all they are a group of friends and have the strength to go further to experiment with every simple note or rhythm is what make Ojos de Brujo an unpredictable and unstoppable group.

In a private ambient and in the web page, the group has expressed its mood with the hellenic people, who follow clapping the rhythms of Xavi, Max, and Sergio during the entire concert!
The electronic bases that Panko add to the songs, the crazy fingers movement of Paco with the guitar, the power of Ramon and his big gypsy heart (bigger than the guitar which is playing), the quality of Javi who plays the bass as if it is another part of his body, and the voice of Marina that transports the people far from the real world, made the people from Greece enjoy an incredible concert (also incredible for the Spanish people who were present and use to them) leaving the place having a question in mind: When will we see them again?
There is not doubt that Greece was waiting for Ojos de Brujo, we must remember that about 200 people were not able to attend for lack of space, even the price was one of the most expensive they have ever charged at 35€!!! Something completely against the philosophy and ideology of the band, but as we say in Spain: “The greek producer made the summer in one concert”. Under www.ojosdebrujo.com/diario/index.php they express their feelings and they promised that they will take care of these details the next concert in Greece. So we hope to see them again very soon!!!
Now Ojos de Brujo is going back to Spain in order to finish the Techari tour with a big concert in Barcelona where they will play with all the people who had collaborated on “Techari” cd and some other incredible musicians.
Eduard Gutierrez Onate
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